

Mae arweinyddiaeth ein Corff Llywodraethu yn ran holl bwysig o'r ysgol.  Maent yn cynnig arweiniad i'r ysgol o ran ei pherfformaid ac yn cynnig cefnogaeth i reolwyr yr ysgol.  Mae'r Corff wedi ei greu gan aelodau o'r gymuned leol, o Gynghorwyr lleol, o rieni ac o staff.  


The leadership of our Governing Body is a vital part of our school.  They provide leadership for the school when it is evaluating its performance, and support for school managers.  The body is made up of members from the local community, local Councillors, parents and staff. 


Cadeirydd / Chairperson

Mrs Pat Wood


Is-Gadeirydd / Vice-Chairperson

Mrs. Jayne Edwards

Mr Jamie Hallett- Executive Headteacher

Mr. Huw Darch - Teaching Staff Representative 

Miss Heidi Jones - Non-Teaching Staff Representative

Councillor Colin Mann  - Local Authority

Mr. Elgan Griffiths - Local Authority

Mrs. Rachael Taylor - Community Governor

Mrs. Carla Richards - Parent Governor

Mrs. Joanne Roderick - Parent Governor

Mrs. Katie Roberts - Parent Governor

Mrs. Glenda Genner- County Appointed Clerk


Mae'r llywodraethwyr yn cyhoeddi adroddiad blynyddol i rieni-fe'i Llywodraethwyr y wefan.  Os ydych am gysylltu gyda'r llywodraethwyr am unrhyw reswm fe gewch gopi o'r polisi perthnasol yn yr ysgol a chanllawiau sut i wneud.


The governing body publishes an annual report to parents which is on Governor's section of the website.  If you wish to contact the governing body for any reason please contact the school for a copy of the appropriate policy which outlines the way do proceed appropriately.